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(White Paper) 3 Easy Building Blocks for a Profitable Green IT Strategy


This white paper – 3 Easy Building Blocks for a Profitable Green IT Strategy help you to learn how to create a lasting and effective strategy for sustainability and its attendant ROI, starting with small achievable steps.

This very practical white paper compares “greening” your IT department to “greening” your home: the key to a lasting return is starting with small, affordable, easy-to-accomplish steps. Learn how to create a comprehensive baseline of your IT department’s carbon footprint, effective techniques for drafting a list of sustainability objectives, and some of the easiest real-world practices to implement for a high return-on-investment ratio.

Green IT

Making your IT department sustainable is best done the same way you’d “green” your house or home: starting with easy, quick, high-return steps. Learn to create your baseline footprint, draft a list of green objectives, and plan real-life steps to meet them.

Executive Overview

Making an IT department environmentally friendly requires a big-picture strategy filled with incremental steps. This document is designed to assist organizations in the development of a Green IT strategy and provide them a step-by-step process to create a plan to reduce their organization’s environmental footprint. This paper will cover the three steps necessary to develop a green plan including:

  1. Creating a baseline of the environmental footprint
  2. Developing reasonable green objectives
  3. Implementing green practices with potential for significant impact

After reading this white paper, you should be able to guide the development of a Green IT plan for your organization with simple and easy-to-implement tactics that will make a significant difference in the IT environmental footprint.


  • Executive Overview
  • Introduction
  • Creating a Baseline
  • Small Steps, Big Gain
  • Conclusion

Download the white paper: 3 Easy Building Blocks for a Profitable Green IT Strategy

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