Currently, the effects of global warming are now being felt. As such, corporations are now joining in the shift towards green energy sources in their attempt to save the planet. Most corporate giants have already adopted green energy to reduce their carbon emissions. If you...
Posts Tagged: "Renewable energy"
Using Renewable Energy in the Home
Using renewable energy as an alternative source of energy in your home is one of the most important things you can do, which will help...
Types Of Renewable Energy Sources On Our Planet
Renewable energy sources (RES) are the energy resources used to produce electricity or thermal energy. They are derived from nature, and their reserves are continuously...
Wind turbines need tailoring to rooftop environments
SMALL wind turbines (SWTs) intended for use in urban environments should be designed to account for fatigue caused by rooftop gusts, research suggests. Increasingly popular...
Learn About Waste Heat
Throughout the United States, an abundant source of emission-free power is being overlooked. This source is waste heat, a byproduct of industrial processes that could...
Learn About Waste-To-Energy
Waste-to-energy (WTE) is a reliable and renewable process of converting waste materials into electricity. Municipal waste is collected by local authorities from residential, commercial, and...
Learn About Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric power is the world’s largest producer of renewable energy. Through the conversion of the kinetic energy of flowing water into electricity, hydroelectric power provides...
Learn about Wind Energy
A wind energy system transforms the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be harnessed for practical use. Mechanical energy, most...
Learn About Biomass
Biomass refers a wide range of biological materials used as sources of energy. While wood products are the most common form of biomass power, a...
Learn About Biofuels
Biofuels are transportation fuels made from organic materials. These fuels are usually blended with petroleum, but they can also be used in their pure form....