Shopping is an activity so deeply rooted in the society that we often do it automatically, thoughtlessly, or hurriedly. However, by paying more attention to what we buy or how we shop, we can help our planet and ourselves. This time, we are sharing some useful tips for green shopping and shopping habits. Recommended reading: A Few Useful Tips For Buying Solar Products.
Buy products in large sizes and avoid excess packaging
A typical family of four members can save about $2,000 a year by choosing large sizes supplies instead of individual serving sizes. Large sizes use less packaging than small sizes for each ounce of product. Accordingly, if you buy large size products, you can save your money, help the environment and reduce waste. Here are a few good tips for green shopping, the next time you go to the supermarket:
- Buy juices in concentrates, and only in some reusable containers (e.g., juice in tetra pack)
- Choose cereal in a large box and avoid individual serving sizes.
- Buy large packages of flour, sugar and salt.
- Take bottled water in some large plastic jug instead of 6 packs of 16 bottles.
- Buy detergents and household chemicals in big packages.
Re-purpose and Reuse
Find a ways to reuse the remaining empty packaging, and use them for some other purpose. Creative re-purposing keeps plastic and cardboard out of the garbage and saves you money. Here’s a list of tips for green shopping related to reusing of packaging:
- Reuse plastic trays that held crackers / cookies for organizing drawer.
- Aluminum cans are suitable for planters.
- Make a gift box of an empty cracker or cereal box.
- Some plastic containers can be reused for storing leftovers.
- Spray bottles that have not held toxic chemicals are ideal to hold household cleaners and as spray bottles for houseplants.
Buy products in packaging / containers that can be recycled
Among the tips for green shopping, recyclable items are the most important for the environment. It is necessary to know what types of packaging can be recycled in your community when the product is used up. The most common packaging / containers are made of plastic, aluminum, steel and glass.
Long lasting items
Long lasting products are significantly cheaper in the long run. These are tips for green shopping related to long lasting items:
- Use rechargeable batteries.
- Avoid disposable diapers, and choose cloth diapers.
- Buy quality cameras and avoid disposable ones.
- Use long lasting cloth napkins and towels instead of paper towels or napkins.
- Buy washable plates, silverware and cups.
- Use the razors with replaceable blades, not the disposable razors.
- Buy high quality and long life tires.
Tips when buying electrical appliances
Also, you need to think green when you want to buy some electrical appliances. Always choose washing machines, air-conditioners, tumble dryers, refrigerators or other electrical appliances with “Grade 1” of energy efficiency labels. These electrical appliances consume less energy than electrical products with higher grade of energy efficiency labels. Just follow these tips for green shopping and save the environment!
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