Currently, the effects of global warming are now being felt. As such, corporations are now joining in the shift towards green energy sources in their attempt to save the planet. Most corporate giants have already adopted green energy to reduce their carbon emissions. If you...
Category "Green Energy"
The green energy including: solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy,…
Eight-MW energy from wind turbines now possible
Siemens have designed a new offshore wind turbine which is optimized to work efficiently on high seas. Siemens want to reduce the cost of electricity...
Flaps can extend the lifespan of wind turbines
In Europe, wind energy is the second largest source of energy. But the energy production from the offshore wind turbine is too costly. Offshore winds...
A wind flow predictor for turbines
European countries have generated electricity from wind turbine for decades and have optimised this technology far better than others. Their wind turbines are designed smartly...
Researchers set World Record for solar cell efficiency of 34.5%
An new type of solar cell has achieved 34.5% conversion of sunlight to energy. It’s a world record and 44% improvement from previous efficiency of...
Innovative Wind Turbine Monitor announced by WHOI
WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) issued the Patent for automatic turbine control by sensing of surrounding. Among all the available energy sources, Wind energy is...
The Obstacles That Solar Energy Needs to Overcome to Become More Widely Used
As climate change becomes a greater concern and as the world is urgently looking for an alternate power source, solar energy seems like the answer....
Information about Solar Energy & the Environment
Using solar energy does not produce air or water pollution and does not produce greenhouse gases, but using solar energy may have some indirect negative...
What is Solar Thermal Collectors?
Heating with the sun's energy - Solar thermal energy can be used to heat water or air. It is most often used for heating water...
What is Solar Thermal Power Plants?
Solar thermal power uses solar energy instead of combustion. Solar thermal power plants use the sun's rays to heat a fluid to high temperatures. The fluid...